Friday, April 29, 2011

OH It's Never Ending...

I have so much to do before this baby least in my mind I do.

I'm going to share my list with you today and my plan of attack lol.

So here we go:

That's my list...I know it doesn't seem like a lot but if you saw the amount of toys my two boys have accumulated over 4 years and the amount of clothes we all have, you'd see why it seems so never ending. I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. There are also some other things I have to get done, things I want to work on within myself and such plus the daily every day duties that are never ending (like the laundry pile).

So to motivate me and to have it set it stone and make myself "accountable" I have decided to link up with the 3in30 Challenge! Every month I will pick 3 goals I would like to accomplish and I will have 30 days to get tackle them. I'm looking forward to this. I think looking at it just 3 things at a time will really help me not feel so overwhelmed.

Since I'm due in August and right now it's May and the weather isn't as hot as it will be when I'm HUGE, I think I'm going to tackle the bigger projects first and the ones not requiring so much hard labor later on. Luckily my brother is here with us for a little bit so he can help me with the heavy lifting lol.

So here are my goals for the month of May...check back in with me to see how I'm doing. You can also follow along with me when you Follow Me On Twitter or Like My Facebook Page (links in the side bar).

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, April 22, 2011

31 Days To Clean Homemaker's Challenge

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Starting May 1st I will be participating in the 31 Days To Clean Homemaker's Challenge over at Joyful Mothering

I hope you'll follow along and maybe join in as well.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Homeschool Plans

I have so much to do on my "Before Baby Comes Check List"

One of those items is to get ahead on planning our homeschool year as far ahead as possible. Since I will be having the baby a couple weeks before Hayden is going to be starting Kindergarten, I want to make sure that I will be as on top of planning and preparing as possible.

I'll soon be posting the "curriculum" I will be using for his Kinder year. It's not a set prepackaged curriculum. I took a lot of suggestions and read a lot of reviews and put together my own for a lot cheaper.

Along with Kinder with Hayden I will also be focusing on TotSchool with Devyn. He is very smart but he is a bit behind when it comes to talking so I work with him all the time every moment of the day on just talking and saying words. He's doing much much better and I know that kids just need to grow at their own pace so I'm very patient and give him lots of love and encouragement.

I'm hoping everything can run as smoothly as possible with a newborn and homeschooling a kindergartener. I'm sure we will have our moments and our trials but I will just pray through them and trust everything will be ok.

I'll be posting a lot more on our homeschooling journey and also will be sharing my "Before Baby Comes Check List." I think something gets added every day LOL.

Also, I started a TUMBLR page...I added a button to click on and follow my tumblr page. It's kind of random just a place to put ideas and articles and things I want to do and try and have them all in one place. My bookmarks folders are kind of full and well a pain to go through so hopefully this will help me out.

Thanks for stopping by!

God Bless!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Making Adjustments...

The fall of the economy and the government have been weighing on my mind for quite some time now.  It's scary to live in these days and raise children in these days of uncertainty.  When the scare of the government shut down came, I felt even more weight on my shoulders.  No we're not military or federal employees BUT the direction this country is headed in will effect EVERY AMERICAN!!!

This weight has been urging me to research and learn and find ways to provide for my children in more ways then just working and paying for groceries. Yes it's important to work BUT with gas prices on the rise and the threat of price inflation on EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES, people aren't going to be able to afford to put  gas in their car to get to their 2 jobs. They won't be able to afford the prices in the grocery stores and on the clothing racks. Industries will be closing down because they can't keep up with the rising costs to keep their business running so there won't be any "extra" jobs available. I feel preparing for the worst and becoming as self sufficient as possible is something we should ALL be doing.  We should all be finding ways to feed, clothe, and keep our families safe, warm, and happy without depending on the government, economic situation, manufacturers and stores.  It may get to the point where the job you're lucky enough to have will only be paying enough to cover your house payments, electric bills, heating/cooling bills, and putting gas in your car. Where is the rest going to come from? Where is money for food and clothes going to come from? Who is going to provide that for your family? YOU CAN ONLY DEPEND ON YOURSELF AND YOUR ABILITY TO PROVIDE IN MORE WAYS THEN JUST FINANCIALLY!!!

In today's world, modernization has ruined people's ability to be self-sufficient. They rely so heavily on modern ways and tools that when the stuff hits the fan they will be so lost as to how they're going to keep their family alive.  That's really sad to say.  Most are so blind to the problem and just want to believe everything will be ok.  They think "Oh that won't happen in my time" or "I'll be to old for it to make a difference in my life."  While that may be true and who really knows WHEN things will really go from bad to worse, why leave our children with that sense of dependency on modernization?  We should be preparing our families always for the worst and also teaching our children how to survive and how to be dependent on themselves and on GOD.

There are so many things you can learn to do to keep your household running and become more self sufficient.  Every so often (haven't figured out when) I'm going to post whatever resources I can find on here that have to do with an aspect of what they call "homesteading."  I hope you find these resources helpful and I pray that we can all learn to fend for ourselves without relying on our ever so inefficient, undependable, messed up government.  They don't care about the American citizens they care about themselves. So when the going gets tough they will be the only ones with any money in their pockets you can be sure of it.

Topics will be on things like:

Planting a garden
Making your own household cleansers
Baking/cooking from scratch
Cloth Diapering

and whatever else I can find.  This is a learning experience for me too so I will be learning right along with everyone else.  I'll post my trials and things that worked and such. But I just want to share and get the word out and try to help as best I can.  I feel this is approaching fast and the sooner we can all learn how to depend on ourselves the better off we will be.

I'm not trying to sound pessimistic I'm trying to be realistic and the truth is the ONLY ones we can put our Faith and Trust in are GOD and ourselves! With God all things are possible and we can all make it through tough times if we just hold onto that hope and that faith.

My first steps were small but I feel a little pressure already.  As anyone who knows me would know I've kind of been materialistic in my want for makeup and fashion. Now there's nothing wrong with wearing makeup but I did go through my YouTube and Twitter accounts and eliminate those that lured me into temptation to continue to be materialistic.  It will not benefit me at all to be consumed in makeup, fashion, purses, shoes, and whatever else is the norm for women today.  It's going to be hard to ween me off of my interest in such things but I will get through it.

My next step is to go through my entire house and purge the excess of toys, clothing not being worn, purses, shoes, and whatever else I can find.  I plan on selling all these extra items and using the money to go towards starting our stockpile, buying a chest freezer, and starting our garden.  I might also use the money (depends on how much) to take a sewing class.

Prioritizing is the key here and it will be work but I know it will be a benefit for my family and for generations to come.

Thanks for stopping by!

Titus 2sdays Link Up

Friday, April 8, 2011

Farmer's Pie

Oh my goodness!

We are not usually a casserole family, I mean we like green bean casserole but other ones I've tried to make have just not been a hit in our home. That really bums me out because casseroles are such a great way to use up leftovers, save money, and make great freezer meals!

But finally I think I've found a keeper!!!  I was on GOODEness Gracious and she had this recipe she was trying out for Janet's Farmer's Pie from a Gooseberry Patch Cookbook coming out...I saw it and thought it would be perfect to use up leftovers in the fridge.

I made this big ol ham the other night and mashed potatoes and we've been trying to use it up in different ways but I still had all of these potatoes left.  SO I used the recipe from her site modified it using leftover ham and some chicken I had in the fridge and then I added some more French's Fried Onions on top of the shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheese and OMGSH...AMAZING!!! 

Its like a cheesy potato topped gooey green bean casserole with ham (you know green beans and ham are DELICIOUS).  I'm sure the original recipe is just as good but I used what I had and it definitely worked for us!

Hayden had 2 helpings and even ate his green beans which he is not a green bean fan!  He said it was sooo good and said I am the best maker ever! LOL

Try this recipe out in your family, you won't be disappointed!

Thanks for stopping by!


What Faith Can Do…


With the looming government shut down, our country is kind of up in the air right now I guess you could say.  It’s a very scary and realistic possibility at this point if these politicians don’t get their acts together.

I wanted to share a song that I heard while making coffee this morning that made me think of how if we can keep our faith anything is possible.  I know we will all be able to survive this and get through it as long as we have faith in God that all things are possible!

As you go about your days and wait to hear the news of what will happen….will I get a paycheck? will I have a job?  Try to remember all you have to be thankful for.  A loving spouse, children, a home, clothes on your backs.  Even just a reminder that there is still hope and still so much to be grateful for can cheer you up on the darkest of days.

As always thanks for stopping by!

God Bless!


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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Intentions...


I have been wanting to start a new daily routine for a while now.  Unfortunately with prenatals making me sick in the mornings and being so tired that hasn't happened, but since the doctor has given me a new prenatal I have been feeling a lot better! 

So yesterday I was determined to start a new routine!  The plan was to wake up at 6:00 and make coffee and breakfast for Randy and get a shower and have my quiet time before I woke the boys up at 8. Well that didn't happen.  I woke up at 3am to take the puppy outside and for some reason I could not fall back to sleep. I was wide awake! I seriously could not fall asleep to save my life. I finally fell asleep at 7:00 which completely threw off my new routine.  I had good intentions but it just didn't happen. Then because I slept in until 8:30, it messed up my whole day and I didn't have any energy until about 2:30pm yesterday. 

Oh well...what can I do but try again!!!

So this morning I got up at 6:00 and I made the coffee and I had some toast (homemade) with strawberry jelly and drank a cup of coffee and then got him up and made his breakfast sandwich (homemade roll with ham, egg & cheese). Unfortunately my quiet time still isn't happening because my Devyn decided he wanted to be up with Mommy & Daddy lol.

Maybe tomorrow I will get my quiet time so I can read my bible!  I desperately need to get back into my bible!

I am hopeful anyway :-)

Now I am off to wake my big boy up and get him some breakfast. He starts T-Ball tonight and we are all very excited!

Thanks for stopping by! If you'd like to share your morning routine go ahead and comment below! I'd love to see and get some tips for my own!

Friday, April 1, 2011

19 Week Pregnancy Update

I am very thankful that after being pregnant for 19 weeks now I am finally confident enough to post Pregnancy Updates. It has been a bumpy 19 weeks and at one point there was no guarantee that the baby would make it, so I wasn't very comfortable posting updates or even letting myself get really close to baby. After the anatomy ultrasound and seeing the baby has made it this far and that everything is ok I feel a lot more assured that I will make it to 39 weeks. :-)

I am at week 19 (well tomorrow) and my belly is looking pregnant for sure!  I'm having a lot of back pain and have to go through physical therapy and still feel pretty run down and nauseous often but what can I do? It'll be worth it when baby is here.

My house is looking like a wreck, with my back out of whack and the lack of energy it's been difficult for me to be up and about as normal.  Kind of stinks but I do what I can and I get a lot of help from the man.

While at the anatomy ultrasound we did find out that we are having a....

We're really excited! This being our last baby and having 2 boys a little girl is definitely a blessing.  Well either would have been but you know what I mean.  Our family is complete!  At 25 years old saying this is my LAST baby for the rest of my life is kind of difficult.  So I am really thrilled I will get my little girl. 

Well that is all for now.  I'm hoping to post more on this blog and really get into it.  I've fallen off the map due to lack of internet but now that it is back I hope to be posting a lot more often! 

Thanks for stopping by! 
