Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time is Flying

I can't believe that time is flying by so fast. In just a couple days my baby girl will be 3 months old and my big boy just turned 5.

Sometimes it doesn't seem fair that it just seems to slip by. I am trying to make the most of everyday with them.

My kiddos are amazing, I truly am blessed.

Here are a few pictures from my phone. I am blogging from my phone btw.

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 3in30

I want to start back up with the 3in30 goals so I have made a list for November.

Let's see how I will do!

1. Limit my time spent on my phone.
       This is a BIG one for me! I have an Android phone. I currently don't have an internet connection at home BUT I can get a wireless signal to my computer from my phone. Well with a tiny baby & two rambunctious boys, it's not always easy to get on my computer. Unfortunately it is very easy to sit on my phone. I do everything on my phone. Web, email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube...EVERYTHING...except talk haha.  I spend a huge part of my day just sitting on my phone. It started where I would watch videos or read books on the Kindle App while I was nursing and now I just do everything on it and I hardly every put it down. Even right now it is sitting right next to me.
        So it's time to nip this bad habit in the butt.  I want to limit my time spent on it.  I won't shut it off because it's the only phone I have at home and Randy will need to get a hold of me BUT I need to restrict texting, twittering, FBing, YouTubeing and all other unnecessary distractions to only when my kids are sleeping. While they are awake I need to devote my time and attention exclusively to them and their lives and our home.

2. Make a new routine/schedule & STICK TO IT!!!
     I can not tell you how many routines I have created that have just fallen through and for my Hayden, he NEEDS a routine. He can not function & perform well in school without a routine. We definitely could never be unschoolers, he really needs a routine. Since I haven't been able to keep a routine going well schoolwork has been a nightmare and he fights me constantly because he doesn't think it's school time. SO I really need to make one and stick to it!

3.  Read my Bible DAILY!!!
       I have been doing decent with this. I started with the Good Morning Girls study which I have no problem reading the verses, but the S.O.A.P.'n I haven't stuck with. It's very easy for me to read my Bible (on my phone) while I'm nursing the baby and I have been spending time in my bible every day BUT I'm not devoting my time to actually taking in all that I'm reading.  I need to set aside time for just me and my Bible. To take notes and really put my whole head & heart into God's word.

So that are my goals for this month.  I hope to check in once a week to let you know how it goes...hopefully not from my phone (because yes there is a Blogger app LOL).

Thanks for stopping by!


Talking to Him...

I struggle with something.

I struggle because I know what I should do & what I need to do, but I don't know how to do it.

I don't know how to talk to God...sounds weird eh?

It still feels a little awkward, talking to God.

I wasn't raised in a home that emphasized praying or giving it all to Him. Sure we were raised to fear Him. I knew there was God. I knew my mother always said if she ever walked into a church surely she'd set on fire immediately!

I never understood that.

If I could replace one thing about my childhood, it would be that I didn't KNOW God. That there was no church or Bible in our lives. That's what I wish I hadn't missed out on.

So as a girl who lost 25 years of knowing Christ as my savior, I want to know all that I can know now. I want to "do it right."  I want to teach my children and raise my children up knowing Jesus and talking to God.

But how do I teach them to talk to God, when I don't even know where to start?

When I pray, I feel nervous and get all sweaty. Like I must not be doing this right or I'm going to mess up the words.

Or maybe I still feel that guilt, that maybe (even though He loves me & has given me a clean slate) I'm still not "good enough."

I get apprehensive & scared to lead a prayer whether at the table before a meal or even in my own heart when my eyes are closed and it's just me and God. I still feel...scared.

Is that weird?

I am hoping the more I grow and the more I read my bible, the closer I will feel to Him. I want so badly to have a close personal relationship with Him, I just have to let go of my mind.  Stop letting my mind play tricks on me.

Stop over thinking and just let it flow.

Anyone else? Any other new"ish" believers have the same problem?

How do you overcome it?

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 10/10-10/16 2011

Menu planning has been working well for us and I have stuck to it pretty much every day, with the exception of Friday which was pretty hectic and I had WAY to many sweets at the kids' Co-Op Harvest Party lol.

Anyway, here is our menu for the week

cinnamon raisin rolls
yogurt and granola

turkey and cheese sandwiches
chicken & cheese quesadillas

Kielbasa with fried potatoes and onions
spaghetti & garlic bread with peas
Slow Cooker Meatball Stew with mashed potatoes and dinner rolls
chicken and biscuits
pizza or strombolis
turkey burgers with fries
Slow Cooker Ham & Potato Soup in a bread bowl

Have a great week!

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Praying for Peace

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27 KJV)

I am praying for peace.

Peace within myself, peace within my love, peace within my children, and a peaceful environment in my home.

The Make Your Home a Haven challenge really is just what I need right now.

As a mother of a 4 yr old and 2 yr old and a 7 week old sometimes (all the time) my home is anything but peaceful.

My tone can be harsh, my stares can be sharp and I feel so emotional.  I let those emotions control me.  I let them over run my spirit causing me to lose my temper and then what happens? After I’ve lashed out or yelled or glared? 

I feel horrible.

The guilt emotion over runs me and I want to cry. To see those little faces and to know that I’ve caused their sadness, even though they’ve been told over and over not to jump on the furniture or not to bend your brother’s arm back that way, I still feel so bad.

I am praying for peace.

I’m taking Courtney’s challenge and I am going to strive to have a peaceful home. I am armed with candle, soft music, bible and lots of praying. 

Lord knows I do NOT want to have another week of sadness, anger and guilt.

Thank you for stopping by!



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Candle Burned Out

I love these little Febreze candles…they smell so good and are inexpensive but unfortunately they don’t last very long.  I burned one for 3 whole days, from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed, and it only lasted 3 days.

So I’m on to my next candle Apple Delight & Spice.  It smells yummy, makes me want to make an apple pie.

I have been doing fairly well with the Make Your Home a Haven challenge this week.  Lighting the candle each morning really does help to remind me to pray and to be more engaged in my home and my family.  I’ve been feeling happier this week and even when the stress hits I see my candle flickering and I say a prayer and try to remain calm and remember that God is in control and he will take care of us.

Things feel as if they are falling into place again.  I have my moments when the baby is screaming and I can’t do things as I want to when I want to, like lesson plan or fold clothes. I’m finally getting my house back in order. I got a new planner, the Busy Body Book and it is AWESOME. I love it! It’s really helping me to organize all the “sections” of my life.  I really love it.

I am so looking forward to more of Courtney’s challenges for the Make Your Home a Haven challenge.  They’re working for me and my family so far!

Next week it’s
October 10Play soft music everyday in your home. Choose worship, classical or another form of peaceful music that the family enjoys. Focus on using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships. Remind your family to avoid seething anger, tattling, criticism or back talk. As the wife/mother, work on gentleness this week.”

31-Day-Fall-Challenge-Making-Your-HOme-a-Haven-300x300                                        image           

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Make Your Home a Haven Day 1

I have decided to take on Courtney's (Women Living Well) "Make Your Home a Haven" Fall Challenge again this year....hopefully with more success than last year.

Over on her blog she posted about two types of houses. A house where the woman is distant and a house where the woman is engaged. The question is whether we are like House #1 (distant) or House #2 (engaged).

Unfortunately on most days my home is like House #1. I am distant, pulled into everything else I have going on and don't ever take the time to just have fun and be with my family. The dishes and the laundry and everything else clutters up my mind and I can't seem to focus on anything else.

I really want to change that...reading her post made me sad when I acknowledged that I am that distant woman in House #1. It made me think about what kind of impression and memory my children will have of me. What I want for them and what they've been handed up until now, seem to be two different things.

How do I get to where I want to be? How do I become the engaged woman in House #2?

I'm going to strive to be more engaged in my children's lives and stop worrying about my messy lived in home.

I've lit my candle...a yummy smelling Febreeze candle called Leaves & Spice. I love Fall scents, don't you?

I've also said a prayer for my home and a prayer for myself, so that I can try to be more engaged as I go about my day. I'll be checking back in!

Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Been A While

I know...I'm a slacker...a big one! I have not visited my own blog in so long. I don't have an excuse, yes I've been sick and not feeling myself and this pregnancy has been difficult but I shouldn't use that excuse to ignore my blog right???

I am now 38 weeks pregnant...a lot has been going on! I started getting really ill especially in the mornings. Nausea, dizziness, grumpiness, feeling faint, headaches it seemed like no matter what I did I just always felt so horrible. I couldn't even get in the shower or stand for long periods of time because of the way I felt, I would just fall over. The weeks went by and the doctors just kept saying it was just normal pregnancy symptoms and I'd be over them soon...and they never did.

At my 34 week checkup they sent me for a glucose test which I took a week later at 35 weeks and was immediately diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. What a shocker that was! I had NEVER had it in before in my previous 2 pregnancies and here I am with 4 weeks to go and I have to go on medicine (Glyburide) and change my diet COMPLETELY!! It's been such a hectic few weeks, 2 doctor appointments a week plus ultrasounds and learning how to eat right. I am WORN OUT!

Needless to say I'm ready for Faith to get here. She will make her arrival due to repeat C-Section on August 22nd. I'm really excited. I can't wait to meet her and dress her up! She has so many pretty little dresses! I'm afraid most of her newborn size clothing won't fit her for long, she is estimated to be 8lbs 6oz already!! Which is bigger than both of her brothers were when they were born!!! So I think we're going to have a big girl! I'm so excited though! I'm going to post pictures of her nursery as soon as it's all put together. There's still one of the boy's dressers in her room that is currently where my changing table should go.

My wonderful daddy bought her a whole new nursery set! I was perfectly content with mismatched, used furniture but he went out of his way to buy her a new crib, dresser, and changing table...what a blessing! I feel so grateful! And wonderful friends of ours bought her the prettiest bedding set! I am so in love with it! I never got to do nurseries with the boys so for us to be blessed with this for her is just amazing and yes I will be keeping it all to pass down to her which will be really special :-) I had planned on passing down the boys' crib which they shared but it is a drop side crib and apparently they are a huge NO NO.

As for life besides pregnancy, everything has been chaotic. With me being so sick I haven't been able to teach Hayden like I planned so our school schedule changed to start in September, which will be ok I guess. My house is a WRECK...a complete wreck and I feel like I shouldn't even bother because we will be packing up and moving again in a couple months...which won't be so bad we're moving to a more permanent home that we will not be leaving for many many years. I'm really excited about that too! And hopeful that Randy finds a new job as we've been praying. His current job pays our bills but there's very little left for groceries and such. Please pray for us and him to find a new job we would greatly appreciate it!

Devyn is progressing so much in his speech, it's amazing! I LOVE to hear him talk! Now he is a little chatter box and I just love it so so much! Hayden has finally realized he can't talk for Devyn anymore he has to let him learn how to say what he needs or wants and I love when Hayden tries to teach his brother how to say words...I love the bond they have I hope they always stay so close!

Well I am off to make a To Do list of everything I need to accomplish before's a big list, including freezer cooking that I hope to get done on Sunday..wish me luck!

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 6/26-7/2


Really trying to stick to a budget.  I started a new budgeting/finance system the beginning of the month and I’ve tracked every single expense since June 1st and I’m not proud to say we spent WAY to much eating out…in fact we spent more eating out then we did in groceries…I could’ve added all that money to my grocery budget and had groceries for 2 months!!!  Ridiculous…I’m so ashamed.

SO I sat down and made a two week menu with grocery list, I shop every 2 weeks after payday and I budget $150 for the two weeks. Usually I don’t spend $150 but I give myself that much to spend anyway.  I’m not a big couponer because I find (at least in my area) that buying generic brand stuff is cheaper even with using coupons on most items.  Saturday is supposed to be my shopping day but Randy worked until 9:30 at night and I’m finding it more difficult with 8 weeks to go to walk around the store without having to sit down a few times and that makes it kind of hard with the kids so I’d rather him come with me to help.  But since we didn’t get to go Saturday I’m going this afternoon. 

I’m taking advantage of some freezer cooking and make a lot from scratch, especially our snacks and breads.

Here is my menu for the week!

Breakfast- honey buns & milk
Lunch-McDonalds (ugh I know it was Daddy’s idea)
Dinner-Pizza (We were out fishing until dark and enjoying the day)

Lunch-Leftover Pizza (Not going shopping until after lunch)
Dinner-Spaghetti with meat sauce & steamed broccoli

Breakfast-Oatmeal & Banana
Lunch- Sandwiches
Dinner- Chicken Enchiladas, rice & beans

Breakfast- Eggs, sausage, & toast
Dinner-Grilled Pork Chops, Rice & veggies

Breakfast-Pancakes & eggs
Lunch- Sandwiches
Dinner-Grilled Chicken Ranch Salads

Breakfast-cereal & banana
Dinner-Homemade Pizza

Breakfast-waffles & fruit
Lunch- sandwiches
Dinner- Honey dijon chicken sandwiches, potato wedges, and coleslaw (trying out something new)

Oatmeal cookies
Fresh Fruit Cups
Celery or Apples with PB

The plan is to make up some meals to have for the freezer so that I can just thaw it and cook it.  Also instead of buying packaged cookies I’m going to make them myself and instead of canned fruit (which my kids love) I’m going to make fruit cups with fresh fruit. 

Thanks for Stopping By!!!

I’m Linking up with:  MPM_Button



Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Happy Father’s Day to all the great fathers out there.

I love my Daddy he is very special to me and I will always and forever be a Daddy’s girl Smile 


To my honey, the father of my children.  He is a wonderful, amazing, father and I could not have imagined having a better man in my children’s lives than their Daddy. <3

easter2011 026

And NEVER forgetting my father in HEAVEN!!! To him I owe EVERYTHING including putting these two wonderful men in my life to raise me and guide me and be there for me Smile 

Here is a song I heard this morning by Third Day  “You are beautiful my sweet sweet song”

“You are so good to me, you heal my broken heart, you are my FATHER IN HEAVEN!!!”

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our 2011-2012 Curriculum “Plan”


This is our first year really homeschooling.  I did Pre-K at home with Hayden since I’ve been at home with him again and now it’s on to Kindergarten.  I’ve done a lot of researching and reading and planning and I think I’ve found a curriculum plan that will work for us this year…hopefully it’s not too overwhelming.

We didn’t go for the boxed curriculum type, instead I put things together based on what I’ve read of reviews and what I think will work for us.  It’s a mix of styles and types so bear with me.

So here is Hayden’s Kindergarten Curriculum Plan for 2011-2012


            Explorer’s Bible Study-Beginnings
            Daily Devotions
            Scripture Memory
            Easy Bible Story Books from the Library

             MEP Primary Year 1 (
             Skill Sharpeners Math K Workbook
             Hooked On Phonics Math K Workbook
             Lesson Pathways

              Explode The Code 1 & 1.5
              Skill Sharpeners Reading K Workbook
              Hooked On Phonics K Workbooks “Beginning Words” & “Rhyming Words”
              Lesson Pathways
              BOB Books
              Mother Goose Rhymes (

Writing/Language Arts:
               Lesson Pathways
               World Mastery (
               McGuffy’s Ecelectic Primer (
               Skill Sharpeners Writing/Spelling K Workbook
               Hooked On Phonics Super Workbook

                Lesson Pathways
                Old Fashion Education

History (Family History/Local History/World History)
                 Old Fashion Education
                  Lesson Pathways

Social Studies (Neighborhoods, Maps, Foreign Countries, Immigration, Government):
                   Old Fashion Education
                    Lesson Pathways

Biography/Historical Novels:
                     Old Fashion Education

Other Resources:
                      Ambleside Online Book Lists Year 0
                      Simply Charlotte Mason Book Lists
                      You Can Read program from 1+1+1=1


A lot of what we’re going to study is coming from Old Fashion Education, Simply Charlotte Mason, and Ambleside Online.  I know it seems like a lot BUT this is just a plan, this is what I have so I’m going to utilize it all and see what works and what doesn’t work for us.  I also have the Well Trained Mind I’m reading to get prepared for 1st grade.  Not too many Classical/Charlotte Mason paths really suggest a program for Kindergarten but I feel like my big boy is ready for more “school” he’s getting bored with coloring, cutting, pasting, etc (preschool stuff).

I also want to do some nature journaling for him and lapbooking…I think he’d really enjoy that.


As for Dev-Dev, he is about 29 months old now and I’m not going to force him into anything but we are going to do a lot of work with his speech and fine motor skills.  We will probably use a lot of the Tot School plans for him.

I'm linking up with

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Where Have You Been?

I know I haven't been posting much and I've stayed off of Twitter also. I found it was becoming completely time consuming and my house was going down hill really quickly. I became really motivated by the 31 Days To Clean challenge but I didn't finish reading the book I've just been cleaning and organizing my home. My house is clean, laundry and dishes are caught up and I have started something new where I don't turn the computer on or check my phone until AFTER my cleaning is done for the day. It's working out for me but I feel bad for neglecting my blog.

I have one last room to de-clutter and organize and that is our bedroom...I've been putting it off and putting it off because it's such a big job but I have to get it done at least the de-clutter part as we are having a yard sale on Saturday so all the crap will be out of the house! LOL

Also, look for a pregnancy update video on YouTube...I've decided I'm going to start filming pregnancy updates mostly for my family out of state but I watch a lot of pregnancy and baby videos so I thought it would be fun to contribute to the mommy community on YouTube :-)

So that's a little update...I'll be back posting in full swing as soon as I get this house to my liking and I have time without sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I could be doing something more productive with my time..LOL.

Ok I'm off to cook dinner!

Thanks for Stopping By!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I know I’ve been lacking in posts recently but I have been really busy…working on the 31 Days To Clean challenge plus trying to accomplish my May 3in30 goals has kept me very busy.  I’m trying to get everything done before July, the big stuff anyway so that when I’m huge and fat and can hardly move I won’t have to worry about organizing and heavy cleaning. 

I do have good news to report though! I am almost done!!!  Faith’s room is pretty much done just have to figure out where to put the boy’s toy box that I successfully consolidated from 4 boxes to 1 box for toys, 1 small box for train tracks, and 1 small box for blocks…very very happy about that!!! Goodwill got A LOT of deliveries from us this past weekend! I also got Devyn’s dresser cleaned out and I put his old clothes up in the closet for storage (we always have babies coming in this big family so I kept the clothes lol)

Randy worked on the living room closet and got that all cleaned out and organized (there were 2 bags of toys in that closet that we also went through and got rid of some and put some in the toy box.  I just can’t believe how much stuff they had!!!  No child needs that much stuff seriously! LOL

Today I’m tackling our bedroom.  I’m sorting clothes and washing them and going to attempt to fix Randy’s broken dresser and get all of our clothes folded and put away then tomorrow I’ll work on the papers and files and getting them put away.  I should have our room done tomorrow which is really really exciting!!!  I’ll post after pictures when I’m all done.  I won’t show you before pictures because honestly I am that embarrassed of the way it was. Sad smile


Thanks so much for stopping by!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

31 Days To Clean Days 2-15



I haven’t updated in a while about my 31 Days To Clean journey.  This is because I have found myself batteling myself reading this book.  The book speaks to me and moves and stirs things within myself, but I’ve been stubborn (and suffering a tad from preggo fatigue). I haven’t let myself just give in and admit that I need to change!  Yes I am lazy and unmotivated and I have that “Why Should I” attitude and it’s really all about my attitude. 

It saddens me…I don’t know why I’m like this.  I want to change so desperately and I can fully admit to my attitude problems BUT I can’t seem to overcome my SELF.   I’ve been recognizing this problem and praying and talking to GOD and trying to get myself to turn around and say “Hey it’s time to get over this, move forward and provide a happy home envirotnment for your family! STOP BEING SELFISH!!”  And that’s what it boils down too…I’m being selfish.  Oooooo how I do not like to admit that I’m being selfish. 

SO last night we had a late dinner and I was in one of my “I don’t feel like washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen” moods…I started to think  I would just do it in the morning and it would be ok.  My feet were swollen and my back hurt and I just felt ick and man I soooo did not WANT to do those dishes but I NEEDED to do those dishes so for the first time I said you know what I’m just going to DO IT.  That’s what the book says just get up and do something and I know how much better I’ll feel in the morning when I can go into a clean kitchen to make breakfast.  Sooo you know what…I DID it…I stood in that kitchen on my swollen feet and I did the dishes and I sang along with the radio and I didn’t think any negatie “I don’t wanna” thoughts…I just stuck to it and did it.  I went to bed with a clean kitchen. 

I know it may seem silly to some but for me this was a big step towards the right direction.  I lack motivation…I’m LAZY and me just telling myself to just DO IT really helped. 

So I think I can get through the rest of the book with a more upbeat mood.  I see myself changing, I can envision myself molded into what I need to be and I’m going and pushing through this lazy slump I’m in.

Now I’m off and get up and just DO what I NEED to DO!!!  LOL

Thanks for stopping by!


I’m linking up with Joyful on the above button!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Plan May 15-21, 2011


Yogurt & Granola

hot dogs
chicken nuggets & fries
corn dog muffins

chicken thighs, corn & macaroni salad
beef and bean burritos with rice
hamburger steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans
chicken on the grill with noodles and peas
enchiladas with rice
roast with potatoes & corn
kielbasa & potatoes with green beans

Thanks For Stopping By!


I Linked Up With Menu Plan Mondays over at Organizing Junkie!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Starting a Bible Study



I have never read the Bible all the way through…there I admit it! LOL

I have tried doing the Bible in 90 Days but had trouble following along in my KJV bible with the reading schedule.

I started a group on Facebook called “Sisters Growing In Grace” a little while back. There are about 19 of us and it has been such an encouragement.  I love my “sisters.” We post scripture daily, praise reports, prayer requests, recipes, and so much more! We live in different states but we’re connecting through FB and it’s been so wonderful, for me at least.

We decided to do a Group Bible Study, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation.  We all realize this could take time which is ok with us!  We’re going to follow a weekly reading schedule Monday-Friday, and use the S.O.A.P. method for studying.  Every day we will read our passages, write our S.O.A.P, and post on our board in order to encourage and grow in the word of God.

I thought I’d share our first week’s reading schedule, in case you’d like to follow along.  You can also join our FB group if you’d like to! Just click on the image above and request to join!

week 1 reading

Thanks for stopping by!


May 3in30-Week 2

My Goals:
1. Eliminate Toy Clutter
2. Eliminate Our (My) Clutter
3. Set A Better Schedule/Routine

I'll keep it short....

Nothing got done this week like I wanted. Had a bad week and wasn't feeling up to doing much of anything and that's what I did...nothing.

Ugh...pray I have a better week, next week.

Thanks For Stopping By!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby

Been looking at coming home outfits for our little girl.  It’s different this time around.  My boys were born in November and February and they were bundled up because of the cold.  Baby girl will be born in August and I’m sure it will be hot and humid. 

Anyone have any tips for newborns and heat? Blankets, sleepers, hats…geeze I feel like a brand new mom all over again! LOL

So far I’ve found these that I like from Old Navy:


And these two from Gymboree:


What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Preschool “Curriculum”

Hayden is doing preschool and while he’s getting bored I’m trying to incorporate more “big kid” activities for him to do.  He’s tired of going over his colors and shapes and he’s tired of coloring but he loves to “read” and he loves to “write” and he loves learning about the bible.

We are using a mixture of things available online.  We do have 2 “preschool” workbooks (bought at WalMart) one is a Mead and one is Comprehensive Curriculum.  We don’t really use them much just to supplement or do extra. We don’t really focus on those.

What are we using?

Letter of The Week-Confessions of a Homeschooler…with her K4 expansion pack.
K4button copy[4]


Raising Rock Stars Preschool-1+1+1=1

Songs For Saplings-Totally Tots
And a lot of things I find on the web from different websites and link ups.

That’s what we’re up too!

Thanks for stopping by!
