Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I know I’ve been lacking in posts recently but I have been really busy…working on the 31 Days To Clean challenge plus trying to accomplish my May 3in30 goals has kept me very busy.  I’m trying to get everything done before July, the big stuff anyway so that when I’m huge and fat and can hardly move I won’t have to worry about organizing and heavy cleaning. 

I do have good news to report though! I am almost done!!!  Faith’s room is pretty much done just have to figure out where to put the boy’s toy box that I successfully consolidated from 4 boxes to 1 box for toys, 1 small box for train tracks, and 1 small box for blocks…very very happy about that!!! Goodwill got A LOT of deliveries from us this past weekend! I also got Devyn’s dresser cleaned out and I put his old clothes up in the closet for storage (we always have babies coming in this big family so I kept the clothes lol)

Randy worked on the living room closet and got that all cleaned out and organized (there were 2 bags of toys in that closet that we also went through and got rid of some and put some in the toy box.  I just can’t believe how much stuff they had!!!  No child needs that much stuff seriously! LOL

Today I’m tackling our bedroom.  I’m sorting clothes and washing them and going to attempt to fix Randy’s broken dresser and get all of our clothes folded and put away then tomorrow I’ll work on the papers and files and getting them put away.  I should have our room done tomorrow which is really really exciting!!!  I’ll post after pictures when I’m all done.  I won’t show you before pictures because honestly I am that embarrassed of the way it was. Sad smile


Thanks so much for stopping by!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

31 Days To Clean Days 2-15



I haven’t updated in a while about my 31 Days To Clean journey.  This is because I have found myself batteling myself reading this book.  The book speaks to me and moves and stirs things within myself, but I’ve been stubborn (and suffering a tad from preggo fatigue). I haven’t let myself just give in and admit that I need to change!  Yes I am lazy and unmotivated and I have that “Why Should I” attitude and it’s really all about my attitude. 

It saddens me…I don’t know why I’m like this.  I want to change so desperately and I can fully admit to my attitude problems BUT I can’t seem to overcome my SELF.   I’ve been recognizing this problem and praying and talking to GOD and trying to get myself to turn around and say “Hey it’s time to get over this, move forward and provide a happy home envirotnment for your family! STOP BEING SELFISH!!”  And that’s what it boils down too…I’m being selfish.  Oooooo how I do not like to admit that I’m being selfish. 

SO last night we had a late dinner and I was in one of my “I don’t feel like washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen” moods…I started to think  I would just do it in the morning and it would be ok.  My feet were swollen and my back hurt and I just felt ick and man I soooo did not WANT to do those dishes but I NEEDED to do those dishes so for the first time I said you know what I’m just going to DO IT.  That’s what the book says just get up and do something and I know how much better I’ll feel in the morning when I can go into a clean kitchen to make breakfast.  Sooo you know what…I DID it…I stood in that kitchen on my swollen feet and I did the dishes and I sang along with the radio and I didn’t think any negatie “I don’t wanna” thoughts…I just stuck to it and did it.  I went to bed with a clean kitchen. 

I know it may seem silly to some but for me this was a big step towards the right direction.  I lack motivation…I’m LAZY and me just telling myself to just DO IT really helped. 

So I think I can get through the rest of the book with a more upbeat mood.  I see myself changing, I can envision myself molded into what I need to be and I’m going and pushing through this lazy slump I’m in.

Now I’m off and get up and just DO what I NEED to DO!!!  LOL

Thanks for stopping by!


I’m linking up with Joyful Mothering..click on the above button!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Plan May 15-21, 2011


Yogurt & Granola

hot dogs
chicken nuggets & fries
corn dog muffins

chicken thighs, corn & macaroni salad
beef and bean burritos with rice
hamburger steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans
chicken on the grill with noodles and peas
enchiladas with rice
roast with potatoes & corn
kielbasa & potatoes with green beans

Thanks For Stopping By!


I Linked Up With Menu Plan Mondays over at Organizing Junkie!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Starting a Bible Study



I have never read the Bible all the way through…there I admit it! LOL

I have tried doing the Bible in 90 Days but had trouble following along in my KJV bible with the reading schedule.

I started a group on Facebook called “Sisters Growing In Grace” a little while back. There are about 19 of us and it has been such an encouragement.  I love my “sisters.” We post scripture daily, praise reports, prayer requests, recipes, and so much more! We live in different states but we’re connecting through FB and it’s been so wonderful, for me at least.

We decided to do a Group Bible Study, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation.  We all realize this could take time which is ok with us!  We’re going to follow a weekly reading schedule Monday-Friday, and use the S.O.A.P. method for studying.  Every day we will read our passages, write our S.O.A.P, and post on our board in order to encourage and grow in the word of God.

I thought I’d share our first week’s reading schedule, in case you’d like to follow along.  You can also join our FB group if you’d like to! Just click on the image above and request to join!

week 1 reading

Thanks for stopping by!


May 3in30-Week 2

My Goals:
1. Eliminate Toy Clutter
2. Eliminate Our (My) Clutter
3. Set A Better Schedule/Routine

I'll keep it short....

Nothing got done this week like I wanted. Had a bad week and wasn't feeling up to doing much of anything and that's what I did...nothing.

Ugh...pray I have a better week, next week.

Thanks For Stopping By!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby

Been looking at coming home outfits for our little girl.  It’s different this time around.  My boys were born in November and February and they were bundled up because of the cold.  Baby girl will be born in August and I’m sure it will be hot and humid. 

Anyone have any tips for newborns and heat? Blankets, sleepers, hats…geeze I feel like a brand new mom all over again! LOL

So far I’ve found these that I like from Old Navy:


And these two from Gymboree:


What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Preschool “Curriculum”

Hayden is doing preschool and while he’s getting bored I’m trying to incorporate more “big kid” activities for him to do.  He’s tired of going over his colors and shapes and he’s tired of coloring but he loves to “read” and he loves to “write” and he loves learning about the bible.

We are using a mixture of things available online.  We do have 2 “preschool” workbooks (bought at WalMart) one is a Mead and one is Comprehensive Curriculum.  We don’t really use them much just to supplement or do extra. We don’t really focus on those.

What are we using?

Letter of The Week-Confessions of a Homeschooler…with her K4 expansion pack.
K4button copy[4]


Raising Rock Stars Preschool-1+1+1=1

Songs For Saplings-Totally Tots
And a lot of things I find on the web from different websites and link ups.

That’s what we’re up too!

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Reason I Am A Mother

I have three lives that make me who I am.

I am a mother, a friend, a nurse, a personal chef, a teacher, a healer, and so much more.   I do believe I was born to be a mother to my children.  I don’t want to be anything else or do anything. I want and need nothing else to define who I am. No career, big house, fancy car, or money in the world could ever complete me as much as being a MOMMY does.

There is nothing else in this world I would rather do than be a mommy.

God gave me these beautiful precious lives as gifts to take care of and nurture and I desire nothing more than to be the best mommy I possibly can be to my kiddos.

I have 2 beautiful boys and 1 little girl on the way and I love them all…they are my life and why (I believe) God put me on this earth.

To all the beautiful mommy’s out there I want to say Happy Mother’s Day! Our “job” is so much more important than any other!!!

Have a wonderful blessed day!!!



Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 1-3in30


SO actually made some progress in my 3in30 goals this week!

Well a little bit of progress but hey it’s better than nothing!

1. Sort, Organize, and Eliminate The Massive Toy Clutter.
Before I could sort, organize, and eliminate the clutter I first had to clean up the mess.  We have a spare room, was supposed to be our school room, but now since baby is on the way we will make it her room.  In the mean time this room has been used for storage boxes left unpacked, books/binders, and TOYS TOYS and more TOYS.  And it seems instead of my boys picking things up and putting them back in the toy boxES, they just threw them on the floor.  They’d just pull stuff out of the boxes and not put them back in the boxes. So there stood 3 empty toy boxes and a floor covered in toys. So today as a first step I went into the room and put all the toys back into the toy boxes AND went through all the boxes with binders and junk and threw away what really wasn’t necessary to still have. I feel like I made so much progress.  It’s still a mess BUT it’s not as big a mess anymore.  Next step? Sorting through the toy boxes, throwing out what’s broken and taking to Goodwill what doesn’t get played with. I want to consolidate the three toy boxes down to one!  Wish me luck!

2. Sort & Purge Excess Clothes, Shoes, Purses, & JUNK.
Didn’t make much progress on this but will definitely work on this next week as it’s my bedroom that houses the most of this excess and it’s driving me crazy!

3. Set up a better routine/schedule for myself and the boys.
One thing at a time. Setting up a better routine would first have to include waking up earlier for me.  I was doing really good and was getting up at 6am and having my quiet time and reading my daily devotions and posting in my group getting a shower and enjoying some quiet just me time. That worked until this morning. The dog (pain in the butt one) woke me up at 3 and I didn’t even fall back asleep till after 5. So getting up at 6 seemed really impossible this morning and I let myself sleep until 7:30.  I will definitely work on this more next week.

Be sure to check out the rest of the ladies linking up this week!  3in30

Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friendships & Pain

SGIG badge

I posted in my FB group Sister’s Growing In Grace today a passage I read this morning from Psalm 118.  I’ve been struggling with trusting people, finding true friends who don’t hurt me or look down upon me, and accepting myself for who I am and who GOD wants me to be rather than the image everyone else has that they think I should be.

Psalm 118:4-8 “Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endureth for ever.  I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place.  The Lord is on my side; I will not fear; what can man do unto me? The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.  it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”

Let everyone remember this when they are struggling when someone has hurt us or deceived us.  Seek the Lord and he will never let you down because the Lord is on your side. Smile

God Bless Everyone!

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Had a Bad Day

Today was Day 3 of the 31 Days To Clean Challenge and well I failed today.  Miserably failed.

I was neither a Martha or a Mary today and all around I’m just ready to go to bed and wake up tomorrow hoping for a better day.

See, a lot has been going on lately.  On top of my regular duties and being pregnant I have now taken on 2 puppies and my teenage brother.  Our finances are slim to none, our food is slim to none, and my patience was well…non existent today.

I have heard non-stop what everyone else in my house needs/wants/likes/dislikes.  “There’s nothing to eat” “I don’t want to eat that”  It’s been constant the dogs crying and needing constant attention plus trying to keep my regular schedule of activities with the boys plus trying to motivate my brother to get off of my couch.  I’ve been stretched thin.  All I’ve heard is how I need to do this, I need to go there, where’s my sandwich, when is dinner going to be done, can I have a drink and no one has asked me not one time if I needed something.  Even five minutes to take a shower no one has given me a chance to just breathe!

So needless to say I’ve been wearing pretty thin.  I was making sandwiches for lunch and Randy is going on and on about something he wants me to do and the dogs were crying in their kennels (I guess no one could see I was busy and let them out) Devyn started crying then Hayden was running around teasing the dogs and I just lost it.  I banged my fist on the counter and yelled.  I yelled at everyone.  My tantrum lasted about 5 minutes and then finally I told Randy to just go back to work and I went in my room and cried. Literally cried, I balled my eyes out for 10 minutes. 

I feel selfish saying that I just needed some peace.  I just needed some quiet someone to just be considerate enough to give me 5 minutes to think or to breathe.  Ugh…I felt so horrible.  After I cried I went out to my kids and hugged them both and apologized. I didn’t know what else to do.  They’ve never seen me like that and I felt so bad that they had to witness mommy having a weak moment.  Finally we all went and laid down for a nap.  I needed it. Even Hayden (my non-napper) fell asleep for an hour.  Of course I still had the teenager on the couch and the dogs yapping but I closed the door and we just laid there me and my boys for an hour it was quiet and I felt like I used to before the dogs and before the brother.

I had a better evening then I did for a day but needless to say I don’t think I conquered today’s goals.  I will try again tomorrow.

I’m not perfect and I know that. Pray for me!

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2-31 Days To Clean

“Who is woman? She is the redeemed Life-giver, enlivened by the love of Christ and
continuously renewed by Him as she nurtures others.” Barbara Mouser, Five Aspects of

Day 2 of the 31 Days To Clean challenge has me thinking even more than I had to think yesterday! LOL

This really is proving to be a worth while read and I'm really excited about what I'm feeling going on inside of me. I feel like GOD put this challenge in my life at the right time and for all the right reasons.

Today's Mary challenge is about thinking what you can bring to your home, how you can bring life to your home and family.

I think this verse from Titus is a great verse to show just want GOD wants us to be and what he wants us to bring to our homes.

Titus 2: 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 [To be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Being this woman that GOD wants us to be will breathe life into our homes. Being good, honest, patient wives and mothers will help our families so much more than a woman who is selfish and quick to always put herself and her needs above those of her family.

What area do I need to focus in the most to bring life to my home?


Yes I lack patience, it saddens me how quick I can be to lose my cool. Lately it has been with a certain puppy someone just HAD to have that is now causing me so much stress. I need to learn when I'm having a moment of weakness that instead of lashing out at those around me, I need to be still and close my eyes and pray to God. Pray that he gives me peace and wisdom to fight through my impatience.

In order to be this woman GOD has described to me, I need to learn to be patient and gracious. Seeking him for guidance and strength instead of letting my own selfish needs and weaknesses cloud my judgement. I can't let myself snap on Randy or my kids or my family or even my dogs...that only causes not just myself heart ache but them too.

The Martha Challenge was something I've already done this week lol. I try to clean my refrigerator every Monday because our trash goes on Tuesdays and I feel like it's a clean start to the week. Also gives me time to sort through what I have in order to make my menu plans.

I'll post more tomorrow on day 3.

Thanks for stopping by!


Menu Plan May 1st-7th 2011

Our meals for the week are pretty simple. We are on a tight budget so we eat what we have in the pantry/freezer. I only grocery shop once or twice a month and we have to make it stretch. It works for us though :-) We're a family of 4 with baby on the way and well now a teenager living with us, so I guess that makes 5 of us lol. I spend less than $250 a month at the grocery store. Nothing fancy for us but it's food and it tastes good so we're happy lol.

We have TBall practice on Thursday nights, games on Saturdays and this Saturday is a special day as we also have a wedding to go to! I love weddings and this one is going to be a very special one!

May 1st-
B-eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls
L-out fishing
D-dinner with family

May 2nd-
L-ham & cheese sandwiches, chips
D-teriyaki pork loin roast, mac n cheese, peas & corn

May 3rd-
D-steak, parsley potatoes, green beans

May 4th-
B-Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal
L-Pb&J, Fruit
D-roast, noodles, corn

May 5th-
L-egg salad sandwiches
D-spaghetti & green beans

May 6th-
D-potluck night

May 7th-
B-cinnamon rolls
D-Wedding :-)

What's your menu for the week?

Thanks for stopping by!


This post is linked up to Titus 2sdays over at Time-Warp Wife

Monday, May 2, 2011

31 Days To Clean-Day 1



Today is the first day of the 31 Days To Clean challenge.

I decided to take this challenge because well I will confess…I’m lazy.  I lack motivation and get into these ruts where I want to do nothing but sit on my butt.  It’s not fun and I beat myself up about it but I need to change. I recognize that and I’m fessing up to it and taking the first steps to make this change.  I have read the introduction and the Day 1 and I think already it will help me out with my ummm…problem.

Today’s Mary Challenge is to answer the question “Why do you want a clean home?”

My mission statement is:  “I want a clean home so that my family and my relationships can thrive in a clean, calm, organized environment.  I wish to fulfill my roll as a homemaker and avoid the rushes and chaos of having a disorganized, messy home.”

I’m hoping along with this challenge and the 3in30 I should be able to get my house in order and make my goals a reality.  I’m trying and praying and growing everyday.

Thanks for stopping by!!!
