Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Making Adjustments...

The fall of the economy and the government have been weighing on my mind for quite some time now.  It's scary to live in these days and raise children in these days of uncertainty.  When the scare of the government shut down came, I felt even more weight on my shoulders.  No we're not military or federal employees BUT the direction this country is headed in will effect EVERY AMERICAN!!!

This weight has been urging me to research and learn and find ways to provide for my children in more ways then just working and paying for groceries. Yes it's important to work BUT with gas prices on the rise and the threat of price inflation on EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES, people aren't going to be able to afford to put  gas in their car to get to their 2 jobs. They won't be able to afford the prices in the grocery stores and on the clothing racks. Industries will be closing down because they can't keep up with the rising costs to keep their business running so there won't be any "extra" jobs available. I feel preparing for the worst and becoming as self sufficient as possible is something we should ALL be doing.  We should all be finding ways to feed, clothe, and keep our families safe, warm, and happy without depending on the government, economic situation, manufacturers and stores.  It may get to the point where the job you're lucky enough to have will only be paying enough to cover your house payments, electric bills, heating/cooling bills, and putting gas in your car. Where is the rest going to come from? Where is money for food and clothes going to come from? Who is going to provide that for your family? YOU CAN ONLY DEPEND ON YOURSELF AND YOUR ABILITY TO PROVIDE IN MORE WAYS THEN JUST FINANCIALLY!!!

In today's world, modernization has ruined people's ability to be self-sufficient. They rely so heavily on modern ways and tools that when the stuff hits the fan they will be so lost as to how they're going to keep their family alive.  That's really sad to say.  Most are so blind to the problem and just want to believe everything will be ok.  They think "Oh that won't happen in my time" or "I'll be to old for it to make a difference in my life."  While that may be true and who really knows WHEN things will really go from bad to worse, why leave our children with that sense of dependency on modernization?  We should be preparing our families always for the worst and also teaching our children how to survive and how to be dependent on themselves and on GOD.

There are so many things you can learn to do to keep your household running and become more self sufficient.  Every so often (haven't figured out when) I'm going to post whatever resources I can find on here that have to do with an aspect of what they call "homesteading."  I hope you find these resources helpful and I pray that we can all learn to fend for ourselves without relying on our ever so inefficient, undependable, messed up government.  They don't care about the American citizens they care about themselves. So when the going gets tough they will be the only ones with any money in their pockets you can be sure of it.

Topics will be on things like:

Planting a garden
Making your own household cleansers
Baking/cooking from scratch
Cloth Diapering

and whatever else I can find.  This is a learning experience for me too so I will be learning right along with everyone else.  I'll post my trials and things that worked and such. But I just want to share and get the word out and try to help as best I can.  I feel this is approaching fast and the sooner we can all learn how to depend on ourselves the better off we will be.

I'm not trying to sound pessimistic I'm trying to be realistic and the truth is the ONLY ones we can put our Faith and Trust in are GOD and ourselves! With God all things are possible and we can all make it through tough times if we just hold onto that hope and that faith.

My first steps were small but I feel a little pressure already.  As anyone who knows me would know I've kind of been materialistic in my want for makeup and fashion. Now there's nothing wrong with wearing makeup but I did go through my YouTube and Twitter accounts and eliminate those that lured me into temptation to continue to be materialistic.  It will not benefit me at all to be consumed in makeup, fashion, purses, shoes, and whatever else is the norm for women today.  It's going to be hard to ween me off of my interest in such things but I will get through it.

My next step is to go through my entire house and purge the excess of toys, clothing not being worn, purses, shoes, and whatever else I can find.  I plan on selling all these extra items and using the money to go towards starting our stockpile, buying a chest freezer, and starting our garden.  I might also use the money (depends on how much) to take a sewing class.

Prioritizing is the key here and it will be work but I know it will be a benefit for my family and for generations to come.

Thanks for stopping by!

Titus 2sdays Link Up

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