Friday, April 8, 2011

What Faith Can Do…


With the looming government shut down, our country is kind of up in the air right now I guess you could say.  It’s a very scary and realistic possibility at this point if these politicians don’t get their acts together.

I wanted to share a song that I heard while making coffee this morning that made me think of how if we can keep our faith anything is possible.  I know we will all be able to survive this and get through it as long as we have faith in God that all things are possible!

As you go about your days and wait to hear the news of what will happen….will I get a paycheck? will I have a job?  Try to remember all you have to be thankful for.  A loving spouse, children, a home, clothes on your backs.  Even just a reminder that there is still hope and still so much to be grateful for can cheer you up on the darkest of days.

As always thanks for stopping by!

God Bless!


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  1. What a beautiful post reminding us all to be faith-filled, hope-centered. Through Christ, all things are possible, and with trust in Him, He will cradle our lives in His all-knowing hands and lead our lives perfectly.

    It is so nice to meet you (especially since we have the same name). Thank you for linking up on my blog! It really means a lot to me. If you would like, I would LOVE to have you subscribe to my posts via email, become my follower (I'm yours now), and/or add my button to your blog.

    I will be doing another Thoughtful Thursday next Thursday, and I would love for you to link up again!

    This country is going through a rough time right now, but with God, all things are possible. We will pray and have faith.

    May heaven bless you,

  2. awww thank you so much!

    Thank you for following my blog! :-)

    God Bless!

