Friday, April 29, 2011

OH It's Never Ending...

I have so much to do before this baby least in my mind I do.

I'm going to share my list with you today and my plan of attack lol.

So here we go:

That's my list...I know it doesn't seem like a lot but if you saw the amount of toys my two boys have accumulated over 4 years and the amount of clothes we all have, you'd see why it seems so never ending. I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. There are also some other things I have to get done, things I want to work on within myself and such plus the daily every day duties that are never ending (like the laundry pile).

So to motivate me and to have it set it stone and make myself "accountable" I have decided to link up with the 3in30 Challenge! Every month I will pick 3 goals I would like to accomplish and I will have 30 days to get tackle them. I'm looking forward to this. I think looking at it just 3 things at a time will really help me not feel so overwhelmed.

Since I'm due in August and right now it's May and the weather isn't as hot as it will be when I'm HUGE, I think I'm going to tackle the bigger projects first and the ones not requiring so much hard labor later on. Luckily my brother is here with us for a little bit so he can help me with the heavy lifting lol.

So here are my goals for the month of May...check back in with me to see how I'm doing. You can also follow along with me when you Follow Me On Twitter or Like My Facebook Page (links in the side bar).

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. contrary Id say youve got heaps to do before baby comes
    I hope 3 in 30 helps
    Im sure it will

    all the best

  2. Oh toy clutter. We have a *bit* of that at our house {read: I can't open the door to the toy room right now}... good luck with tackling that and your other May 3in30 goals!!
