Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2-31 Days To Clean

“Who is woman? She is the redeemed Life-giver, enlivened by the love of Christ and
continuously renewed by Him as she nurtures others.” Barbara Mouser, Five Aspects of

Day 2 of the 31 Days To Clean challenge has me thinking even more than I had to think yesterday! LOL

This really is proving to be a worth while read and I'm really excited about what I'm feeling going on inside of me. I feel like GOD put this challenge in my life at the right time and for all the right reasons.

Today's Mary challenge is about thinking what you can bring to your home, how you can bring life to your home and family.

I think this verse from Titus is a great verse to show just want GOD wants us to be and what he wants us to bring to our homes.

Titus 2: 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 [To be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Being this woman that GOD wants us to be will breathe life into our homes. Being good, honest, patient wives and mothers will help our families so much more than a woman who is selfish and quick to always put herself and her needs above those of her family.

What area do I need to focus in the most to bring life to my home?


Yes I lack patience, it saddens me how quick I can be to lose my cool. Lately it has been with a certain puppy someone just HAD to have that is now causing me so much stress. I need to learn when I'm having a moment of weakness that instead of lashing out at those around me, I need to be still and close my eyes and pray to God. Pray that he gives me peace and wisdom to fight through my impatience.

In order to be this woman GOD has described to me, I need to learn to be patient and gracious. Seeking him for guidance and strength instead of letting my own selfish needs and weaknesses cloud my judgement. I can't let myself snap on Randy or my kids or my family or even my dogs...that only causes not just myself heart ache but them too.

The Martha Challenge was something I've already done this week lol. I try to clean my refrigerator every Monday because our trash goes on Tuesdays and I feel like it's a clean start to the week. Also gives me time to sort through what I have in order to make my menu plans.

I'll post more tomorrow on day 3.

Thanks for stopping by!


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