Friday, May 20, 2011

31 Days To Clean Days 2-15



I haven’t updated in a while about my 31 Days To Clean journey.  This is because I have found myself batteling myself reading this book.  The book speaks to me and moves and stirs things within myself, but I’ve been stubborn (and suffering a tad from preggo fatigue). I haven’t let myself just give in and admit that I need to change!  Yes I am lazy and unmotivated and I have that “Why Should I” attitude and it’s really all about my attitude. 

It saddens me…I don’t know why I’m like this.  I want to change so desperately and I can fully admit to my attitude problems BUT I can’t seem to overcome my SELF.   I’ve been recognizing this problem and praying and talking to GOD and trying to get myself to turn around and say “Hey it’s time to get over this, move forward and provide a happy home envirotnment for your family! STOP BEING SELFISH!!”  And that’s what it boils down too…I’m being selfish.  Oooooo how I do not like to admit that I’m being selfish. 

SO last night we had a late dinner and I was in one of my “I don’t feel like washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen” moods…I started to think  I would just do it in the morning and it would be ok.  My feet were swollen and my back hurt and I just felt ick and man I soooo did not WANT to do those dishes but I NEEDED to do those dishes so for the first time I said you know what I’m just going to DO IT.  That’s what the book says just get up and do something and I know how much better I’ll feel in the morning when I can go into a clean kitchen to make breakfast.  Sooo you know what…I DID it…I stood in that kitchen on my swollen feet and I did the dishes and I sang along with the radio and I didn’t think any negatie “I don’t wanna” thoughts…I just stuck to it and did it.  I went to bed with a clean kitchen. 

I know it may seem silly to some but for me this was a big step towards the right direction.  I lack motivation…I’m LAZY and me just telling myself to just DO IT really helped. 

So I think I can get through the rest of the book with a more upbeat mood.  I see myself changing, I can envision myself molded into what I need to be and I’m going and pushing through this lazy slump I’m in.

Now I’m off and get up and just DO what I NEED to DO!!!  LOL

Thanks for stopping by!


I’m linking up with Joyful on the above button!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet friend, I understand exactly where you're coming from. I have been conscientiously fighting to battle my laziness for just over a year now. That sounds a little funny, but it was about then that I sort of had to come to the same conclusion you have ~ I'm SELFISH. I've always got time for the things I FEEL like doing, but almost never enough for the things that are truly important, like serving my family and making our home a blessing to them and our guests. It's a constant struggle!

    But it does get easier! No matter what you think, you made a huge step here!! The more often you wash your dishes after supper, the more automatic it will begin to feel. Before you know it, you'll be tacking on another little chore ~ maybe sweeping the kitchen floor ~ and soon you'll find yourself automatically doing that once the dishes are done. It really does work that way!!

    Keep talking to God. Ask Him to remind you WHY productivity and good time-management is important to HIM and how you can be a blessing to your family. You're on the right track!! Keep up the good fight.
