Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 1-3in30


SO actually made some progress in my 3in30 goals this week!

Well a little bit of progress but hey it’s better than nothing!

1. Sort, Organize, and Eliminate The Massive Toy Clutter.
Before I could sort, organize, and eliminate the clutter I first had to clean up the mess.  We have a spare room, was supposed to be our school room, but now since baby is on the way we will make it her room.  In the mean time this room has been used for storage boxes left unpacked, books/binders, and TOYS TOYS and more TOYS.  And it seems instead of my boys picking things up and putting them back in the toy boxES, they just threw them on the floor.  They’d just pull stuff out of the boxes and not put them back in the boxes. So there stood 3 empty toy boxes and a floor covered in toys. So today as a first step I went into the room and put all the toys back into the toy boxes AND went through all the boxes with binders and junk and threw away what really wasn’t necessary to still have. I feel like I made so much progress.  It’s still a mess BUT it’s not as big a mess anymore.  Next step? Sorting through the toy boxes, throwing out what’s broken and taking to Goodwill what doesn’t get played with. I want to consolidate the three toy boxes down to one!  Wish me luck!

2. Sort & Purge Excess Clothes, Shoes, Purses, & JUNK.
Didn’t make much progress on this but will definitely work on this next week as it’s my bedroom that houses the most of this excess and it’s driving me crazy!

3. Set up a better routine/schedule for myself and the boys.
One thing at a time. Setting up a better routine would first have to include waking up earlier for me.  I was doing really good and was getting up at 6am and having my quiet time and reading my daily devotions and posting in my group getting a shower and enjoying some quiet just me time. That worked until this morning. The dog (pain in the butt one) woke me up at 3 and I didn’t even fall back asleep till after 5. So getting up at 6 seemed really impossible this morning and I let myself sleep until 7:30.  I will definitely work on this more next week.

Be sure to check out the rest of the ladies linking up this week!  3in30

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Stopping by from 3 in 30! You've made awesome progress! I need to start getting up earlier as well, but i need to first get my 11 month old OUT of my bed!

  2. Great job this week! I totally hear you on the waking up earlier thing - that's why one of my goals is to participate in the HelloMornings (Maximize Your Mornings) Challenge. We'll see how that goes with a 7 week old! Blessings!

  3. Audra-LOL my youngest is 27 months and still sleeps in our bed, most of the time when I get up he gets up 10 mins after me. He's been good this past week though...I at least get 30mins! lol

    Nandamccloskey-Thank you for stopping by! Good luck with your goals! I'm going to look into the HelloMornings. Blessings to you and yours also!

  4. You made great progress! I feel your pain with toys all over the plave...good luck!

  5. Thank you so much Deanna! I think my children's grandparents like to spoil them...I didn't mention on top of the 3 toy boxes of toys there are two huge bags of toys in a closet that have been there for a while because we were trying to teach them there were consequences to not cleaning up their toys. Definitely have to get rid of some toys.

  6. "Well a little bit of progress but hey it’s better than nothing!" Love it!

    Your goals #1 & #2 are both things that didn't make it on my list, but have both been accomplished in part over the past few weeks. It's AMAZING how much clutter accumulates and how quickly!
